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Re: [DL] Player's Handout [Kind of lobbed in the direction of Pinnacle]

Brett Dixon wrote:

On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 08:53 AM, Daniel Taylor wrote:

I was wondering if anyone's ever converted that grey overview section at the beginning of the Player's Handbook into a PDF. It would make a great handout for new players and gives them a good amount of information about the world without giving out too much. Anyone at Pinnacle, has Pinnacle ever concerned converting that section into a PDF downloadable from the website?

That's a LOT for them to convert and 'give out.' Remember, Pinnacle likes to make money occasionally... Please do your part to keep Shane in sandwiches.

OTOH, I've seen some demo adventures that include a super-qick version of the PHB section that provides the really key bits. I.E. The Battle of Gettysurg, the creation of the Maze, etc.

What if Shane were to convert the gray section of the PHB into a .pdf and put it up as a special item on RPGNow.com? He could charge a fee for it (I'd be willing to pay a few bucks at least), and then people could print it out to hand out to their new players? There could also be a "lite" version on the Pinnacle webpage for handing out at conventions and such.

--David L. Hoff