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Re: [DL] Post-revised sourcebooks?

 --- mAd HaTtEr <darklament@hotmail.com> wrote: > Howdy all. I asked
this last week & the answer I got was to check the
> online 
> catalog but I can't tell by the code since the two revised books have
> codes 
> that start with "11.." & all the other books have starting codes of
> "10...." 
> Could someone out there please tell me the FIRST book to be released
> after 
> the 2 revised books & I can take it from there.
> mAdHaTtEr

Ok I know that 1026 Back East: South is pre-revised books as it has a
speed 2 rifle in it.

Can't find my 1027 South of the Border - but I think it's  pre-revision
as well.

Ignoring 1028 Canyon O'Doom, I would probably have gone for 1029 RVC II
however I don't have anything to back that up - but I'm reasonably

The thing that throws the spanner in the works is that a stat in 1031
Ghostbusters is given using the pre-revision Huckster rules - however
that could be due to them being copied from a pre-revision book.

1032 Hexarcana is most certainly post-revision.

So probably I'd go for 1028 Canyon O'Doom as marking the pre/post
revised era breaks.

Hope this helps


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