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[DL] a fist full of zombies

ok, i was just going thru the newestgame trade magazine, to see what looks
kool to order.
lo and behold, i see: a fist full of zombies; a western sourcebook do
the,'all flesh must be eaten' game.

this is presented by none other than our own, shane lacy hensley. it's
slated to be released by eden studios in january.

now, here come the questions.

1st is this just deadlands convereted to a new format?

2nd, presented by.. does that mean someone else did the work and shane gave
the final approval?

3rd if no, to the above and shane actually wrote it; how come you ain't
working on savage worlds and evernight.? ;-) [sorry, had to throw that in
there. but, seriously, i am curious why SW and evernight aren't listed for

4th umm.. would this be a good segway[sp?], transition from DL to AFMBE if
we wanted to send our posse there?

5th... umm.. anything else? :-) yeah, i ran outta questions. :-))

alos i see another expansion is out for zombies and now more zombies minis
bytwlight creations. i'm gonna order them.

marshal kt