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[DL] Time Machines

> Okay.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on mad scientists in the Weird West or
> Hell on Earth inventing time machines and traveling to each game
> setting?
> I understand the perils with time travel, as related in The Collegium,
> page 109, but does anyone have any thoughts on a mad scientist inventing
> a ghostrock-powered time travel device? Any theories?
> Marshal Eric

I apologize for the lateness in responding to this message; I'm just now
getting around to erading a month load of digests.

I had an idea based on that FUBAR mentioned in Collegium that would possibly
work very well outside the whole Devil's Tower/Unity road.   The problem
with the first time machine it is didn't take in account for universal
movement (ie; the whole solar system had moved a huge distance when the guy
popped up), so what you do is have a scientist go over this prototype's
plans, see the "problem" & devise a "inertial anchor" for the machine.  This
would be something along the lines of a weird beacon that has to be
activated somehow around the time period that the time machine is go to so
that it can "ground itself" to its landing site.  Makes going back in time a
bit tricky.  Still, if you can make it stay "on" from the time you build the
anchor until the day it is eventually destroyed, you could travel to to any
time between those two points like you were tethered to that physical

Either that, or you just have Doc Brown show up in a DeLorean.

Jeff S