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Re: [DL] Shamens

According to Ghost Dancers, bottom of page 55, you're right ;-)

> Von: "Ian Pinkett" <Ian.Pinkett@btopenworld.com>
> Datum: 2003/03/07 Fr PM 07:51:04 GMT+01:00
> An: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
> Betreff: [DL] Shamens
> Hi there y'all
> Just thought we could take a break from the great unsubscribe debate of 2003 to see if anyone can answer a question on rituals and favors. Am I right in thinking that for evry success on a ritual role you get that many appeasement points. So if I role 4 d 10 and got 2  success and 2 additional raises I would get 4 X the appeasement points for the ritual.
> Thanks
Hi there y'all
Just thought we could take a break from the great unsubscribe debate of 2003 to see if anyone can answer a question on rituals and favors. Am I right in thinking that for evry success on a ritual role you get that many appeasement points. So if I role 4 d 10 and got 2  success and 2 additional raises I would get 4 X the appeasement points for the ritual.