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Re: [DL] Shane Hensley, Zombies, and the Weird West

My night train experience...
Jeff:The train's whistle blows.(Flavor text)
Joey:Crap, we have to get on the train!
Kenny:No way!  It's full of vampires!
Craig:Yeash, they'd eat us!
Jeff:it starts to pull out of the station..(more flavor text)
Joey:You chickenshits!  Get on that damn train right now or I'm gonna show you guys the meaning of "yeller journalism!"
Kenny:But the townspeople hate us..they'll kill us if we go outside!
Craig:Yeah, we locked ourselves in the jail and can't get out.
Joey:Dammit, you're both munchie characters, I know you can get out!  You have d12s in strength, you can easily bash the door down!
Jeff:The guy that wasn't here today looks up just in time to see a hand grab him and yank him up to the top of the car. 
Kenny:Oh.  Crap.
Joey:I'm guessing we're going to abandon him to his fate?
Joey:I'm never missing a session again.
Later still...
Kenny:Well, that's the last vampire.
Craig:Yep, time to get off.
Joey:Wait, we haven't checked the engine!
Kenny:well..uh..the sun's going down.  What if the train disappears when the sun goes down?
Craig:We'd disappear too, wouldn't we?
Joey:Where'd you guys get a half-assed idea like that?
Kenny:My guy's crazy.  see?
Joey:Great, an undefined loco.  You need to attach something to it, in this case "delusional".  now, what's your excuse.
Craig:I'm following him.
Joey:And you don't have loco too?  Well, don't count on me to spend any of the chips I get on you.
And finally...
Joey:Hah!  Hit location 20.  That's....48 damage straight in the kisser!
Jeff:You blew his head off.  He keeps attacking you.  Roll a guts check.
Joey:(Barely makes guts check, using chip)
Jeff:He knocks the rifle out of your hands.  It FALLS ONTO the TRACKS and is CUT in TWO.
Joey:I pull out my dual peacemakers and start firing away.
Jeff:You have two peacemakers?
(three rounds later)
Jeff:And that's twelve hits.  He isn't down, but he looks mighty pissed off.
Joey:Crap!  I'm runnin' out of chips, too.  I drop my peacemakers--
Jeff:"Drop" them?
Jeff:They FALL UNDER THE TRAIN and are CRUSHED.  Now what?
Joey:I pull out my derringers.
Jeff:Freaking gun bunny!  Aren't you a journalist?
Joey:A very prepared journalist.
(Fire one..fire two..)
Jeff:He's still up, and he lunges for you again.
Joey:Dammit!  I wrestle that damn coal shovel from his hands and start beating him with it.
Jeff:Really??  Finally, he falls under the train and is torn in half by the wheels.  Congratulations, you killed him in only thirty rounds. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [DL] Shane Hensley, Zombies, and the Weird West

In a message dated 3/7/2003 10:08:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, nbouqu1@prodigy.net writes:

whoa there Greg..... you forget John Goff or something? Shane's good....
damn good.... .but nothing inspires fear in a posse like the words,
"Tonight we are going to play an adventure written by John Goff."


I'll acquiesce here. No one writes an adventure like John!
