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Re: [DL] Naval DL

On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 09:10  AM, John Vogel wrote:

> This will sound ignorant, but what is "Savage Worlds?"

Savage Worlds (SW) is a new ruleset Shane and Pinnacle are developing.

First, their was Deadlands. Actually, there was a lot of stuff before, 
but that's not important right now. And it was Nifty.

Deadlands begat The Great Rail Wars. GRW is an extremely simplified 
version of the deadlands rules in many way... Trait levels are removed, 
so you would, for example, have a Shootin' of d10, for example. Mooks 
go down quickly, characters less quickly. Minimal bookkeeping, but not 
great for an RPG. And it was good.

As the Creator looked upon the Other Games and made his alliances with 
them, so did he create Weird Wars II. It was d20, and it was good,

But he wanted something better. For a more in-depth explanation with 
less pseuod-biblical phrasing, visit www.peginc.com and read the Savage 
Worlds developer's diary. And it was good.

And Lo! Savage Worlds was born. It is a system developed from the Great 
Rail Wars, but built to be useable as a true RPG instead of a wargame. 
It is a set of core rules, with small, basic setting books to follow, 
with more material for those settings that become popular, I assume. 
The other Weird Wars will use this system. And it is, i hope, good!