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RE: [DL] [d20] Under Harrowed Moon d20

Thanks for the positive words, I always appreciate them.

I like the changes you made. I unfortunatly on Spring Break, and am away from a computer which will let me read that .xls file, but as soon as I get back on Sunday I'll check it out.

I am not a d20 head. As I noted, I actually kind of dislike it. But it lets me play the DL universe with people, so I am more then willing to let them play thier system. 

My next goal will be to sit down and work over my favorite setting: Gommora. :-)

Do ya feel the choice on Mr. Wendell was okay? I debated his Class for a long while, but I just kept looking and decited he was not a Mad Scientist.

I'll consiter your changes and I'l make a version 2 when I get back to school.


 Marshall Bob

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 11:47PM, Cyvas, Andrew J PR2 (VFA115) <vfa115.cyvas.a@lincoln.navy.mil> wrote:

>I have played werewolf exclusively as a d20 game and the way we did it
>Gnosis and Rage were based off of character level, auspice, and breed. This
>was the chart we used attached below. Also, crinos gave +6 Str and +2
>Dex(crinos form does give a dex bonus in WOD remember). We also decided to
>give crinos and hispo form damage reduction 5/+1 instead of regeneration as
>it takes into account that most magic attacks in WOD are treated as
>agravated damage. We also decided that a werewolves claws counted as +1
>magical weapons and that razor claws counted as +2 magical weapons. Also D20
>has a built in willpower system. Its called Will Saves. If you want them to
>have wiilpower to spend, give them a number of willpower = 1/2 their will
>I have a great appreciation for what you've done. These are only
>suggestions. If you find that these rules make werewolves too powerful,
>remember that they are supposed to be badasses. I would also add +3 to the
>normal challenge rating I'd be throwing them up against. IE I wold not
>hesitate to throw level 6 werewolves up against Cyrus Call or Los Diablos.
>Keep up the good work.