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Re: [DL] The dead of Deadlands?

In a message dated 4/1/2003 9:04:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, SM518726@teradata-ncr.com writes:

Somebody please tell me I am paranoid...


You're paranoid. I asked MEG to do this precisely because I just don't have the staff to handle all the new stuff myself.

You could ask, "Why not ditch Savage Worlds and stick to Deadlands?", but I'm afraid the answer is three-fold:

1) My heart is in the new SW stuff. I've been working on Deadlands for 7 years now, and have some other ideas I want to do too.

2) Deadlands doesn't sell as well as it used to (nothing does right now thanks to the D20 glut), and I need "new" stuff to regain some of the market share my sloppy schedule has lost me.

3) Deadlands needs new material to keep it alive, and I can't do it. The owner of MEG is a good friend and makes some really neat stuff (and getting better every day). This way I can oversee the projects *just* like I would have done here but in 1/10th the time.
