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Re: [DL] Stone

> My possy is getting really cocky. They've beaten down their los diablos and
> theyve gotten rid of a hangin judge. I think ists time stone payed them
> avisit, but I want the experience to be rewarding for the group (they are
> more into roleplay than hack and slash which I think is always good). What
> are some good books to find out what makes Stone tick, how he operates, what
> his past is, who bat him as a child, etc. I'm not asking for stats. I just
> want to get a really good idea of his bio.

You can find some Infos on him in the Devil's Tower trilogy.

Possible spoilers here....

In case you haven't got the trilogy, here's the gist:
(Jasper) Stone was reborn at the battle of Gettysburg after being killed by his own troops (he served as a Captain in the 13th Alabama Regiment).

After he hunted down and killed the surviving members of this Regiments, he turns to killing heroes.

When you play Stone, think of him as a mix between Ted Bundy and the Terminator T-1000: He's cunning, he knows his target and will do whatever is necessary to eliminate it. And he's very confident (A fact that I consider to be his only weakness - any hero should have one chance to "beat" Stone because he underestimates the hero's abilities)
Also, he is more brutal than necessary to raise the fear level around him.

There is one account of him in one of the Epitaphs, were he meets Ronan Lynch, which gives you an idea how he operates.

From my own games: In the Devils Tower Trilogy, Stone ghosted into the hotel room of a player and bound him before he woke him up, questioning about the diamond. When the character refused to talk, he poured lamp oil over him and held up a match - the character started to talk.
When another one of the posse members came to check for his friend (since he heard voices), Stone lit the match again and set the bed afire. While the newly arrived character tried to decide if he should try to save his friend or go after Stone, Stone got away.

Two more times Stone has made an appearance: Once, he toasted a well-known Gunslinger of the posse in a crowded bar (He didn't knew who that guy in the corner was).
And a second time, when he was after some one else and told the kid who watched in terror as he killed the town marshal to "not interfere".
