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Re: [DL] Miracles vs. automatons

"Too tough" is often situational...  to cite an example from Hell On Earth

Wait a tic..

<potential spoilers>
<Haven't you players left yet?  I said "potential spoilers"!>
<That's better....>

Doombringers can only be killed by radioactive attacks (it may even be 
restricted to them only being harmed by the powers of Doomsayers, I forget 
exactly).  Posse's with a Doomsayer in the mix are a Nuke or three away from 
turning the Doombringer into just another enemy left glowing six feet under, 
but a posse without such a character or means to deal the right type of 
damage are just out of luck.

It's the old D&D shtick of "can only be hurt by plus <blah blah> weapons and 
magic"...  you've either got what you need to do the job, in which case it's 
not too powerful; or else you have no way of effectively hurting the thing, 
in which case you're a mite bit pooched.

Marshal's call really as to whether or not you have a chance against a given 
foe...  and whether or not the Marshal cares.  ;-)


----Original Message Follows----
From: Brett Dixon <balance@tubas.net>
Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [DL] Miracles vs. automatons
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 09:27:12 -0400

On Monday, April 7, 2003, at 11:42  PM, Troll wrote:

>Hi all,
>I  have a question about a problem that I have been faced with, my 
>posse had an encounter with one of Dr. Hellstromme's clockwork tarantulas. 
>The Preacher of the posse started to cast Miracles of course to protect the 
>party from "this foul demon". The question is what Miracles of the Blessed 
>can effect this tarantula or any other "automatons" of the "good" Doctor's 
>design? This is the first time I have used these nasty little 
>critters...did I pick something too invincible? BTW this is a new posse 
>in that most of them has never played Deadlands before, but are not new to 

Possible spoilers...

It's important to remember that most automatons are effectively a form of 
undead, and I believe the rules support that the standard Protection miracle 
will keep an automaton at bay.. for a while, at least!

Also, very little in Deadlands is 'too tough' with the exception of a few 
servitors. The average posse is very powerful and can do a lot as long as 
the GM plays fair... I think even a Hell on Earth stat automaton in an 
open-field fight is more 'fair' on a classic Weird West posse than a 
non-foreshadowed assault on, say, a bandit hideout with intelligent use of 
snipers and such.

A question: How much do other people foreshadow dangerous stuff like this? I 
usually have an initial long-range shot from enemy rifles miss as a 'warning 
shot' and then let the chips fall where they amy,b ut it's a bit odd that no 
mook can ever hit with an aimed shot. Dang stormtrooper school of gunplay.

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