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Re: [DL] Murder at Overlook Hotel

At 10:49 12.04.2003 -0400, you wrote:
>At 04:00 PM 4/12/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>>I've trapped my players in Overlook Hotel as a blizzard is building up, 
>>and set the stage for some easter mystery fun. Got most of it planned, 
>>with the murderer, fleshed out the different guests and so on. The only 
>>thing I miss is a map over the place. Now I could of course draw one 
>>myself, but when it comes to architecture I'm no wizard to say the least. 
>>If anyone else have taken the time to drawn up this hotel and are willing 
>>to share, or know of a webpage where I can find an overview of a hotel or 
>>mansion, that would be of great help.
>>And for marshals who have sendt their posse there before.. any good hints 
>>on how to wierd players out with the Whatleys' that run the place? I have 
>>some ideas but things can always be better.
>Make one Whatley a mute who seems to react to their thoughts or 
>emotions.  Or perhaps make him unable to hear things nearby but can hear 
>at an unnatural distance -- like upstairs.
>Have another wait three seconds before speaking.  Always blink slowly 
>before speaking.
>Make one very, very intense and excited about everything.  Give him a 
>jerky motion.
>Give one a speech impediment and associate a physical trait to it.  If he 
>lisps, have him lick his upper lip a lot.  Make the tongue quick but 
>unusually shaped.  Give him a hopping or slithery gait.  If he studers, 
>make him hesitate occasionally or give him a leg or arm that twitches when 
>he walks (but not when he talks -- he can't do both).
>Then make one -- the front man -- very, very normal who doesn't seem to 
>react to any of the others' oddities.
>As for the map, have you considered the haunted house map from Steve 
>Jackson Games?  It's an imperfect solution (It will cost money and has 
>some furniture and fixtures already drawn on the map.) but it does come 
>with some Cardstock Heroes, with lots of zombies (modern era), ghosts, 
>cultists, and some modern investigators.  Overall, I do like it, although 
>I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet.
>I hope this helps.

hehe.. thanks for the feedback. This is gonna be so much fun :)

And I finally found a plan for the interior of a mansion here:
Worth to bookmark for anyone who plan to run something similar.

- Frank -