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Re: PC kills PC was Re: [DL] "Mundane" Death

> To put a new twist on this thread:  how many groups have had one 
> player kill
> another player?  

Well... last time we played i was plugging away at some critter when one
of my shots went stray and hit my fiancees character in the back of the
head for 5 wounds. i gave her a few of my chips and it was all good.

During that some adventure, I almost got offed by our resident pinkerton
player. After I put the earlier mention critter down i wanted a claw as a
trophy but the pinkerton pulled a gun on me and we got into a heated
argument in ewhich his only reason was  "that's sick" but later his
reason became "your sick, i'm gonna put you down" I asked him how many
bartenders he killed for having deer head on the wall, and he proceded to
cock his guna dna was gona shoot me when my fiancee jumped in and
persuaded him to not kill me. But then tis player has a tendancy to try
and twist things like an evil genie and pulled his gun on my fiancee.
everyone called foul, even the marshal becasue his character had no
reason to want to shoot her and since he sucombed to her persuasion, i
think  that last thing on that characters list of things to do to her
would be shoot.

In Hell On Earth I had a Drone cyborg who's rules of engagement got him
in trouble within 10 minutes of playing and within 5 rounds of combat
only one posse member survived and a about a dozen towns people lay dead.
and one cyborg...

Also in Hell On Earth we had a crazy templar who was slowly becoming more
and more obsecced with hunting down anti-templar. It started with "I'll
bet that evil warlord is secretly involved with the anti-templar" or
"these vicious muties could be recruited by the anti-templar. I'd better
eliminate them." to "that little girl with the teddy bear might grow up
to be an anti-templar. I'd better destroy her while she's still weak" to
even suspecting Ike of Junkyard and telling him to his face "I'm on to
you!". In the end he decided that Raziel our Greenie was an anti-templar
agent, nocked him out and took him to a hotel to execute. while raziel
was still unconscience he decided to take a shower, but a lsime monster
came out of the drain and attacked him. Raziel woke up intime, and our
crazy templar went for his sword and tried to kill raziel before the
flesh burning slime monster on his back. But raziel cast arson and set
the room on fire and the crazy templar with the very flamable slime
monster covering him. Raziel los this arm but survived.

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