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Re: [DL] Deadlands Character Generator

> It would really help if the whole sheet was totally modifiable after you’
> reached the “done” stage.  Going back and screwing with Edges, Aptitudes,
> and the like would be most helpful.

For a while I've said that it would be nice if the DLCG would have the
option to export the data to a text file that matches the format used by the
e-sheets I made. Of course, I plan on revising them slightly (I currently
have the HoE sheet revised up at
http://sio.midco.net/nzachariasen/HoEsheet.zip . If people could give me
some feedback on that in a seperate discussion thread I'd appreciate it so I
know what to do with the Weird West sheet.

I may even alter the original Weird West sheet in Photoshop first because,
to be honest, I've never really like the revised sheet. I feel that the
division between Mental and Corporeal Traits just works better because the
way it is on the Revised sheet the text just runs together. The division is
nice and I'd like to preserve that. I'd likely use the Revised back and the
original front of some sort. Of course, I'd try to do that sometime soon so
Tom could have the variable names to use. That's really the only suggestion
I have for a new feature.

Nick Zachariasen