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Re: [DL] Deadlands Character Generator

On Jan 15, 2004, at 4:18 PM, Nick Zachariasen wrote:

That's already been done, only in Flash.
Right. The feature I wanted for them was to be able to save, load, and print
your characters. I don't know if you can save Acrobat form data without full
Acrobat (if at all), but I know you can with my e-sheets because, well, they
work. http://www.thebrogue.com/dlcgp/DLsheet/index.html

I had access to a full version of Acrobat a few years back and tried this with the Jovian Chronicles character sheet (it's a simple, very clean sheet to 'mark' with text fields.

As you mention, the big problem is lack of easy save/restore functionality. I think the form features were meant to be used as a web forms replacement, so the only way to do things is to submit to a web site, which wasn't really practical.