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Re: [DL] Fastest TPK

--- carl smith <fishhook79@yahoo.com> wrote:
> What is the fastest you have seen players die off in
> a game?  Total TPK or just stupidity on there part. 
> This should be good for laugh.

------------Warning Spoilers ---------------------

The near TPK (1 character got away) occured in a
single session that technically covered two modules.
We were ending Night Train, and the Nosferatu were
coming back to the train after raiding the town. The
party had picked up a jackalope on their trail a
couple of towns back so their luck was going to hell.
One of the two main gunslingers of the posse had gone
to the engine, botched a guts check, and tried
inefectively to destroy the conductor. When he saw the
whistle being blown has summoned all the nosferatu
back to the train. He botched his quickness test just
as the nosferatu reached him and stood gaping as they
all took him apart.
One of the other party members (a hexslinger) tried to
save him, but she couldn't get off a single spell
before they nabbed her. Both wound up on hooks on the
train as it sped away.
The remaining posse members gamely pursued the train
to the bend in the tracks to try and stop it with
dynamite. A lack of throwing skill combined with an
unfortunate scatter  while trying to tag the engine
resulted in one of the sticks falling about 10 yards
in front of the posse and their horses. One of the
posse members took a crit to the guts, the other two
took nothing more then a heavy, the horses weren't so
They made it back to town and we pretty much declared
the module over, totalled up bounty, and declared the
two PC's on the train dead. We decided to keep playing
because I already had the next module prepared, so we
drew as if for a new session and kept going.
The Posse headed for Dodge to lick their wounds, the
trouble was that this was in the middle of winter so
it was slow going in their wagon and the person who
usually did the driving was the one with the crit to
the guts. They had one of their number stay outside to
guard the wagon on the first evening and he proceeded
to botch his vigor roll to stay awake all night. The
jackalope which was still following them (it was later
named "the botch bunny" by my posse) proceeded to tear
his throat out in his sleep. The remaining two posse
members spent the rest of their night sans guards
while they tried pushing on through the snow to Dodge.
Then came the healing check for the crit wound, which
botched, and the character took one more wound and
died of infection. The lone remaining posse member did
wind up making it too Dodge and finally shook the
botch bunny (which is still out there, waiting to kill

My analysis of the situation is this...

1)Night Train definately deserves the nickname PC
Death Train. The module sucked them totally dry of
chips long before the big climax. Mr. Goff, it would
appear, does not like player characters in his
modules. ;)
2)Exposives and player characters simply do not mix.
3)Those that Night Train didn't kill were simply offed
due to bad luck. Bad rolls at the worst possible time.
