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[DL] I can explain

Funy DL story thought I would share.
My loving wife recently discovered the joys of being Harrowed.  Having never had one in her group before she has had NO experience in running one or what happens from time to time.  After many trials and tribulations she has now started to view this no longer as a blessing but also as a hinderance.  This was brought about by one of her powers ("I get magic powers.  COOL"  Her quoat when told about being harrowed)
One power she has is Unholy Host.  For those of you who do not know of it off hand it basicly lets her manitou bring another of his little friends in as kind of a sidekick.  Not as smart as you typical harrowed it still is a servant of the reckoners and likes to raise fear.  It trys to do so every chance it gets but will listen to its master, though it takes the commands VERY literaly.
After he first unholy host pet died off (a dog she killed that came back and she lovingly named "Scuttles")  she thought that the nightmare was over.  Durning the campaign they had met a young boy living on the streets of New Orleans.  His name was "Wart" (after the large wart on his face), but he met a rather untimely end thanks to a "oops" of a Mad Science device (I am looking at you Pat).  Always having a soft part for the kiddies, with a quuivering lip, she uttered the phrase "Awwwwe poor feller" and went on with her unlife.
Next adventure took place on a gambling boat heading down the coast.  The rich boy of the group made it VERY clear that he was taking TRUNKS with him.  After becomong aquainted with thier surroundings they returned to the room to find one of the trunks open and their door unlocked.  While the brains of the operation was busy gambling, the others were forced to try and find Wart before damage was done.  It became a very vicious search for the boy and many terrible things were done. 
To spare you the details it all culminated in this.  Miranda (my wife)  deemed it was safe to climb out of the body bag she was in and suvey her surroundings (she had to "play" dead and hide with the other bodies ).  As the bodies were being stored in the boiler room for the moment she found herself surrounded by ghostrock boilers.  Sneaking her way towards the one way out she opened the door to the small steel walled room to find Wart there.  He was standing over the bodies of the two mechanics on duty holding the coal shovel he killed them with.  With a smile he looked at her and giggled "I am afraid I have been very bad Mommy"
The whole room was quiet as my wife leaned forward in her chair, and between grited teeth asked (as calmly as she could mind you)
"Wart... give me the shovel"
He handed her the shovel as instructed, proceeded by her violently grabing him by his shirt colar and beating his skull in repeatedly.  Many harsh words were vented as she repeatedly pulped the head.  Vengance was hers, and the group sighed thankful it was over and Wart was dead dead now.
Thats when the second door opened by security guard down stairs investagaing the screams and curses coming from the mecanics section.  The scean he came across was that of a woman holding the limp body of a child off the ground in one hand (his head cracked open and pulped grotesquly), and the gore encrusted (and still dripping ) shovel in the other.  This does not even take into account the two beaten bodies of the mechanics laying on the ground in the room on top of this. 
Once again everyone fell silent as and all eyes turned to Miranda to see what she was about to do.  Her only way out was through the security guard.  I prepaired for combat as it seemed her only option was to have to take down the guard.  I almost dropped the cards I was shuffling when Miranda raised her hands and said "Wait... I can Explain"
When the roomed calmed down from the laughter (and there was a lot of it) she rolled.  To bad she botched.  She was to caught up in the sound of her own voice to notice the guard drawn down on her (and then botched his shooting roll and damaging one of the water coolant tanks for the GR boilers).  What and interesting night had by all. 

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