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Re: [HoE] So, who's on?

In a message dated 98-08-20 18:19:33 EDT, you write:

<< well, it was pointed out in the origional Deadlands books that there is a
 line between a subtile use of monsters and fear and making the game a fantasy
 adventure.  With Deadlands, people were expected to feel safe because the
 government tells them to, and I could easily see any town be more on edge and
 willing to start busting monster ass in HoE than Deadlands.

Okay, I'm going to start making some assumptions here. These are what I go
from my impression.

1) When the bombs hit, they took out most forms of communication. Thus, many
of the people do not know much more than rumors about the Reckoners and
monsters and such, unless they were directly within' the path of destruction.
You don't go very far from home because of criminals and muties, but recent
events have given you the terrifying suspicion that something "else" is out

2) This is a surprisingly important yet small point, but due to the expenses
of operating a firearm, rarity of ammunition, and the simple fact that
relatively few people probably carried guns before the bombs hit, not very
many people have an effective weapon. I don't think a group of people is going
to want to go up against a horror from beyond time and space with farm

3) Uncertainty. If you don't know WHAT ate your buddy, WHAT it's capable of
doing, or whether this is all a product of your fevered imagination, how are
you going to kill it?

Monsters are more common, but it still ain't quite a "boogie man under every
