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Re: [HoE] So, who's on?

Erik Kjerland (S&T Onsite) wrote:

> And I'll be very sore if HOE shows up in stores before I receive my
> special
> ordered copy.  The original ad suggested it would be sent out the week
> after
> Gencon.  This is going to make me reconsider ponying up my money for
> any
> future special offers.

Hey, what did you expect from mail order?  The whole idea is notoriously
slow, because if one person in the chain screws up, the whole chain gets
all tangled up (yeah, it's a lousy metaphor, I just got home from work!
*G*)  I work for a courier in the mail section, so I KNOW how easy it is
to lose/misdirect/missort/accidentally drop under a rapidly moving
forklift mail... *shrug*
If you don't want your Ltd Edition, can I have it?  Please?  *G*
Steve S.