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[HoE] Topic change! (was RE: So, who's on?)

---"Erik Kjerland (S&T Onsite)" <a-erikkj@microsoft.com> wrote:
> 	Well, most of you guys disagree with me.  But my point remains valid
> to me.  I think that the vast majority, if not all, of beasties and
> abominations in Deadlands would be discovered in 200 years.  

Well, if you want it that way in your campaign, who's gonna stop you?
It's YOUR campaign! :)

After all, Hell On Earth is only a possible future. If you want to use
it, use it. If not, then don't sweat it.

Of course, if anyone has an alternate campaign setting, I'd love to
hear about it...

Graveyard Greg
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