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Re: [HoE] RE: [DEADLANDS] HoE - Tech questions

At 08:02 AM 8/23/98 EDT, you wrote:
>  If we are talking about a Mustang, what is it's M.P.G.?  That figure is all
>that matters in a real post-apoc. world.  While the speed is important, if it
>runs out of lemon hootch every 40 miles while a geo runs out every 60some
>miles, people are going to want the Geo because there is (I'm assuming) a
>finite amout of lemon hootch that the group can access at any point.   

	Ahhh, but if the Geo is caught by someone who has a faster car and
disabled, then having a faster car would be much more useful...  Even
better would be some kind of car that uses an alternate fuel source like
hydrogen, or some such...  I dunno...  I'm just rambling...  It's early and
I'm not awake :)

"How come I get all the hard questions?"
	- O. North