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Re: [HoE] Concentrations

Ever since I started playing Deadlands, I thought you didn't get enough aptitude points.  The new
concentration rules fix that a little bit.  It does seem a bit steep, especially if you get
concentrations at less than 3, but it balances out when you only have to raise one concentration to
bring them all up.  Therefore, it makes sense that it would be a bit more costly at character
creation, since buying concentrations saves you a lot of bounty over the course of play.

My problem is with Languages, Trades, Academia, and Professions:  Concentrations of these skills
have nothing to do with each other, so you shouldn't be able to use the '3 Bounty' rules, correct? 
What's everyone think about that?

Also, this one's for James Cook:  Will the new concentration rules be worked into the Character
Generator in the future?

bobby farris wrote:
>         Now in HoE you are allowed to do this during character creation
> at the
> same cost of 3 points. However, it seems to me that spending 3 points
> during
> character creation is a lot more expensive than spending 3 bounty points
> during
> play. I was wondering what other people thought about this.

Joseph Malik