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Re: [HoE] Lost Colony

| Well, I still hope that LC will be significantly different from other PEG
| RPGs.  I'd like to have non-human player characters, for one.  A space opera
| would enable that.
| Maybe the colonists on Banshee started calling their new planet Lost Colony.
| Maybe LC is set 200+ years after becoming lost, at a time when they've
| created their own interstellar empire.  Who knows?
	Yeah, but what worries me (and I apoloize if people have already
made this observation) is that it sounds like it's going to use the old
three races gimmick.  You know, the Humans discover a not-so-nice alien
race and they fight and then another alien race ten times nastier than
anything you've ever seen comes and the humans and aliens#1 have to set
aside their differences to resist mutual annhiliation at the hands of the
	They did it Starship Troopers, they did it StarCraft, they did it
Star Trek, and who knows how many others.

	While I am really intrigued by Lost Colony, and the idea of
playing other races is always cool, I'm really concerned that PEG will use
this gimmick (go on, tell me why it's not a gimmick.  I'm just using that
word 'cause I can't think of a better one.  You know what I mean).
	'Course, they might use it and do it really really well as is
PEG's want, but who knows.

Jay E. Treat III		         	    jayson@ccat.sas.upenn.edu