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[HoE] Re: Hucksters

Ok, all of the following in IMO...

First, yes there are hucksters and everything else still in the world (even
mad scientists, though they can't make anything new -- time to learn junking).
Hucksters are in a bind, though.  Trading spells or searching for lost
artifacts is a lot harder in HoE than it was in Deadlands, and after the bombs
fell anyone caught dealing with the demons would probably wish for an old
fashioned necktie party.

The manitous are still in the hunting grounds (that's their home after all),
they just seem to move between worlds a little easier now.  Hucksters are the
only ones who wrestle with them and force them to do tricks, so they get the
worst of the backlash problem.  

Junkers use them, but don't channel power through their own bodies so you only
get the occaisional ambush from the spirit world.  The Doomsayers, Psykers,
and Templars are taping directly into the hunting grounds rather than using
some other spirit, hence the new "Strain" stat (I am thinking of applying this
to DL blesseds as well).  They are handling the energy directly and there is
only so much the body can stand.  

Although _Ghost_Dancers_ is not listed on Pg 18 with all the other
sourcebooks, Shane has said the shamans are still around, so they are still
dealing with nature spirits and fighting the occasional manitou.
