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[HoE] Western vs. Post Apocalypse was Book of the Dead: Necrotech?

>Shane sez there will be a Harrowed book for HoE, and he keeps
>threatening us with the knowledge of cyborged Harrowed!

Did anyone else flash to the scene in Terminator where, in the future, the
humans are huddled in their camp and a man comes to the door - only to have
the dog go crazy right before the man/terminator opens up on the camp?


I think... I just realized something.

A fundamental difference between Westerns and Post-apocalypse is the ending.

Westerns usually have a happy ending - the hero prospers and the future
looks good.

Post-apocalypse usually leaves the hero in the same position as he was at
the start of the movie - perhaps there is a vague feeling that "that thing
called civilization" has just taken a step back from the brink - but the
hero's reward is usually to have just survived at all.

There are differences between Westerns and after the bomb flicks.  Not a
lot - but they are there.

Take a look at the way horror is portrayed in Deadlands and the way it is
portrayed in HoE.  DL plays with the deepest fear - the fear of the
unknown.  You don't really know what Fate is going to throw at you.
That fear is not really there in HoE - the Reckoners have come down and
shown themselves - what the hell could be worse?  Fate has thrown - and
it's a fastball from hell and the count is 2/0 with two outs and nobody on
base - well, damn - you either swing or strike out, but by God you know
what's coming and where you stand.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Chakotay:  Whatever its reason, whatever its goals, we should respect its
right to cross the road and seek its own spiritual awareness.
(hurl! ed. note)