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Re: [HoE] Grit [shane]

> Hey, you can only get so "gritty." Really, there just ought to be. No
> how tough you get, you shouldn't be walking around with a +1000 Grit. 5
> still lets a Deadland affect you at -1.
> Shane

Yeah, but at the same time, if players are already at five grit, and they
take out a *really* nasty fearmonger, they'll be frustrated that they
aren't just a little less fearful next time they come up against a similar

On the whole, I like the idea of keeping Grit to a sane level, I just think
this is not the best way to institute the policy.  I would've gone for a
short bit making it perfectly clear that a fearmonger is *not* a pushover. 
They are not just another abomination; in many cases, they are what's in
*charge* of the other abominations.  Bringing down a fearmonger should be a
trial worthy of Hercules, Perseus, or Theseus (can you tell I want you to
make a Twilight Legion game?).

I've been running my DL game for about a year now, and my posse has yet to
break the 5 grit barrier.  Sure they've come up against various
supernatural beasties in their careers, but in my judgement, there were
only 5 that qualified the posse for grit.  (no one counted coup on the LD,
cuz there were no harrowed).  Now let's say I decide to start using the max
grit in this game, and the next session they go up against...all five
hangin' judges (not happenin', but if you can use 1000 grit as an
example...;)).  They would be really peeved if I were to deny them grit on
the grounds that they had hit a "glass ceiling" of grit, and rightly so.

I don't think I'll be using max grit.

OTOH, I'm starting my HOE campaign in about a month, so it shouldn't be an
issue for another year or so.

B.D. "Beach Grit in my underwear" Flory