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Re: [HoE] Nasty thought for an adventure...

That's the most twisted idea I've ever heard!  You should be ashamed for
distorting something so precious to so many.  

Damn...I *LOVE* IT!!! >:-)


At 06:00 PM 9/9/98 -0400, you wrote:
>This came out of left field...
>Suppose there was a major themepark complex located in the American west
>it Dennyland, or something like that).  Now suppose that it is located close
>enough to a (formerly) major metropolitan center that it was hit with some
>heavy radiation and other wierdness.
>Where you once had happy throngs of vacationers, you now have scattered
>of mutants scuttling thru the ruins and hiding from THEM, the true masters of
>this shattered playground, twisted abominations still wearing the tattered
>costumes of the cartoon characters they once impersonated.  Any settlements
>nearby could be terrorized by creatures that steal their children in the
>night.  Maybe the posse could find themselves being chased because of a t-
>shirt one of them happened to find.  
>This could be an interesting HOL crossover -- "oh my God, RUN! IT'S UNCLE