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Re: [HoE] Some Thoughts on Ammo

In a message dated 98-09-15 14:28:58 EDT, you write:

<< I've 
 >told that in Vietnam, most soldiers had to expend upwards of 100 
 bullets to
 >have any chance of hitting anything >>
From "The World's Great Small Arms":  "Investigation found that flaws in US
Army training and lack of fire discipline were causing soldiers to blaze away
in auto fire without taking proper aim, burning up ammo by the truckload.  An
average of between 50,000 and 200,000 rounds were being fired to inflict one

As to the AK-74, firing a 5.45mm
""This bullet has a soft jacket with an air gap in the nose and a mild steel
core with a lead tip.  The result is a bullet that deforms and tumbles on
hitting a target, inflicting more serious damage than the Western 5.56.
Mujahedeen guerillas referred to this round as the "poison bullet", as few who
were hit by one survived."

Jay Kyle
CPT, 1st TX Cav (Hover)