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[HoE] Shamans

It has been pointed out by others that the Deadlands characters exist in
HoE. It has also been pointed out that only the Mad Scientist are limited
in any way. Since the manatou no longer whisper secrets in their ears they
can not build any new equipment, they can only build from existing

I find it interesting that everyone points out that the Deadland Archtypes
are VERY RARE. In a world concept they are, but if I decided to run a HoE
game, i would not say that 90% of the world has no special abilities so you
may only play a Archtype if you roll a 1 on a d10. Rarity is more on who
the characters meet not what they can be. If my group wanted to be 7
huxsters or 7 shamen, then they can be. It does not matter how rare they
are to the general population. Now this group would probably never see
another huxster or shaman but they may be the only large group of huxsters
in the world.

If I was going to be a shaman and could affort to wait, I would wait for
the Toxic Shamans. Shane did mention that there will be a book covering
them. If I could wait, I would talk the matter over with the Marshal and
see if he allows changing of Spirit guides or the picking of of a spirit
guide after character creation. Have no spirit guide until the Toxic book
comes out and then get one of them.