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Re: [HoE] Some non-DP comments and questions...

I said:
>>   Lets say were are in a dark room.  Me, you, and say a dozen other
>>people.   Whenever Death touches a person, they die.  So far 5 or 6 
>>fallen dead and we can't see who's next.  Would you say that since you
>>haven't been touched yet that "Death has vanished?".  I would say that
>>NOT knowing where the Horsemen are is more frightening than knowing.
>>But, that's just my opinion.  *shrug*
 Justin said:
>Yeah, I think that if I were in this darkroom and people had been 
>killed for 13 years, I would get over the general fear of it.  I 
wouldn't be
>_living_ in fear.

   I think I've nailed it in your case.  You seem to think that fear and 
dispair are so seperate.  When you are cold, wet, tired, hungry, and 
have Death and God-knows-what-else around the next corner, it's hard to 
bolster your courage, and thus *reduce* fear levels.  Truely, this is 
what sets the difference between the average person, and our heroes.  At 
least, IMO.

-Damon Harper
 "Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude." 
		-Sir Thomas Browne 
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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