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Re: [HoE] Anouks? [Shane]

>>How about it Shane?  Would you care to share what you would like LC to 
>>and/or what you hope it be?  [snip, I'm sure it'll be good]
>  But if Shane said too much about LC now, then when it 
>undergoes the hundreds of rewrites it will undoubtedly undergo over the 
>next two years, when you finally see it people will say "But Shane, you 
>said THIS was going to happen."   Rather than having to explain to 
>hundreds, if not thousands, of fans WHY "X" didn't happen like he said, 
>I'm sure him and his writers would just rather keep their traps shut.

I also understand - notice the way I phrased my question?

I'm not eager to go through two years of "Is it gonna be this?"  "Is it
gonna be that?" "No it's gotta be this" posts and speculation.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Marlin Perkins, on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom:
Watch, as the chicken mauls Jim yet again...