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Re: [HoE] Black Hat Blues

>> They're shielded. Just boost the TN by +4 or so. That's my "quick" ruling. 
>> Use
>>  that until John gives you the "official" answer.
>Well, "shielded" to me means "don't bother rolling".  But if there's this +4
>modifier, you didn't say what happens when he makes his roll.

With radiation, shielded means resistant.

My guess is the guy's head explodes.  Or make up a malfunction chart where
one of the possibilities is neutralization, another is exploding head-dom.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

John Cleese From Fawlty Towers:
Manuel from Barcelona: "Que?"
Basil: "You know, a chicken crossing the road...." Manuel: "Que?"
Basil:  [looking it up in a dictionary], "Un Pollo..." Manuel:
interrupting, "No, No we out of chicken.."
   * WHAP!!*