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RE: [HoE] Great Road Wars

>"Great Road Wars" is a working title for a miniatures game set in the Hell
>Earth world, similiar to "Great Rail Wars" for Deadlands.  It is not
>in any books, this is just something YOU get to hear about because you
>subscribe to this wonderful list.

>I don't believe it's really due for any serious attention until next
>year--everybody should be writting their little fingers to the bone to give
>more books to buy.

IMNSHO if they *are* doing "Road Wars" it WILL be released at Origins or
Gencon in 99.  It fits their pattern.  No gaming company will NOT try to
release a MAJOR new game at one of those two.  Since we already know that
Lost Colony will be released in 00, it is easier to speculate that they
would try to release RW in 99.

Patrick Michael Phalen