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[HoE] servitors

    Just thought I'd share some ideas about ways to add something different to you campaign. First off I love the concept of servitors. Abominations who work under the aspect of a specific Reckoner (eg War, Death, Famine, Pestilence). These can add a powerfull baddie to your campaign, plus also give the players hope (hehe, then crush it later) that they are "winning" (just kidding about the crushing). One thing though I would like to point out. Alot of people around my area tend to make "powerfull" bad guys there horrid combat monsters. Sure they are scary and all, but the reckoners aren't stupid. They also make subtile (sub-tile try saying it with me, sub-tile) bad guys. Sure a servitor of War with ranks of mutant followers would raise the fear level of an area, but what about a sneaky servitor, looking completely human, going between camps of humans, and mutants. Secretly he stirs things up behind the scenes, until a full scale war breaks out. Know which is scarier?  These sort of things don't even have to servitors either....................yet. One idea is use a human who is particularly nasty. Have him work for the "wrong" cause. Then if the posse flat lines em, maybe he was bad enough for the reckoners to turn him into an abomination, so know he's got power, and intelligence. I guess this email is just suggesting to make sure the concept of intrigue is not lost in the game Hell on Earth, as I love this setting, and game, and hope to make it enjoyable for all. Splatter-movie(eg Evil Dead) adventures are fun, but so are thrillers. Until next time.

Templar Shannow
"This is my BOOM STICK!"