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Re: [HoE] Quickdraw Question


>> Has it been clarified if you need to specify quickdraw: sword or pistol or
>>  if you can just have quickdraw that covers both?
>Well, according to the books, quickdraw isn't broken into subskills.  However,
>Shane's been asked about this a couple of times, and he always says you break
>it into subskills... *shrug* If that doesn't help, go with whichever way seems
>fair to you.

If you want some kind of official definition, in the Deadlands Weird West basic 
rule book, it lists concentrations for the Quickdraw skill.  The character sheet
does not show this, but the detailled skill description does.  I don't have my 
Hell On Earth rule book with me, so I can't check that from here.  I would 
assume that it should probably be treated the same way, even if the Hell on 
Earth rules don't say it.

Aussie Mike