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[HoE] The Morrow Project

Sorry, but I don't have a scanner and my typing skills are no where near up
to the task. Check around at your local game stores, you may be able to
find a copy of it in some dark corner. It's definitely worth it. I've been
considering running a Morrow Project style game in HOE, if I can ever get
my gaming group back together again... anybody in the Boston area looking
for another player?


-----Original Message-----
From: Hector Ugarte <hugarte@netdex.com>
To: hoe@gamerz.net <hoe@gamerz.net>
Date: Saturday, November 21, 1998 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: [HoE] Toxic Companions?

>Eric Young wrote:
>> I'd go with the chart from the Morrow Project instead, I think it fits
>> feel of HOE better. But of course that's just my opinion.
>> Eric
> Am interested in these charts. DO you have them in an electronic format
>that I can see? Could you send them via personal e-mail? Is there a web
>site that has them. I convinced one of my players to take a Animal
>Companion it's a mutant dog, actually it's a military expirement. But I
>would like some new mutant animal stuff in case I introduce more animals
>in my campaign.
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