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RE: [HoE] Re: ripper gun and power armor

>> The first thing my players thought of when I mentioned it's abilities
>> (outside of the game, no way will it appear in mine, as of yet) was 'hook
>> it up to a BIG spirit battery (at least a 100 point one) and hook it up to
>> a remote detonator. At 3 pt.s of energy per charge, it will charge up in
>> actions (say one action per round, just under three minutes) and, voila,
>> instant (mightily expensive) 33D20, AP2 tac nuke (will do serious damage
>> out to 165 yards, a shade under 500 ft.. Not enough to raze a city or
>> but it will vaporize anything short of a Reckoner. That's almost 200
>> average, if the armour is 2 or less.
>How is hooking it up to those things going to prevent it from malfunctioning
>on or before the 11th action?  Granted you could get up to 11d20 AP2, but
>it's still a one-use concept.

You don't roll for possible detonation until it is fired. Just charge for
requisite time period, hit the det switch which pulls the trigger on the
gun, and boom. I think I may just say that 10D20 is the maximum damage
level you can charge to.


-Keeper of the Tradeposts of the Mantis
-L5R Code (CCG1.1b) YA ++  S  G+  R+!r  Y+  C+  E++  M  T--  D++  K++  U+++
-L5R Code (RPG1.1) GP PR +++ CC +  RP+ GT: !  P+  MN + S++ G+++  R+  Y+ C++
T-- K++ U+++