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Re: [HoE] Double Tap (Shane)

In a message dated 1/19/99 1:09:34 AM Eastern Standard Time,
sandy_addison@bc.sympatico.ca writes:

<< Example for clarification.
  Double Tap
  A PC has two action in the round. He double taps on the first action. He
  double taps again on his second action. From my understanding of the rule,
  second double tap would be at a -2 penalty.
  Full auto
  Same PC with two actions in the round. On his first action he fires off
  bursts. He does the same on his second action. From my understanding of the
  rules, his second and third bursts of his first action would be at recoil
  penalties (-2 and -4 respectively). However the first burst on his second
  action would be at no penalty while his second and third would be at
  (again -2 and -4)
  Am I interpreting the rules correctly?
  Sandy Addison >>

Yes, you are. The rules are correct, the statement "just like firing full-
auto" is misleading. Obviously, it's similar but different.

To be completely clear, double-tapping applies over each action of the round,
firing full-auto applies only within one action.
