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Re: [HoE] CotA Cover Art/was Brainburners...

>I guess I don't like it that much after all. Let's just say I don't hate it,
>and leave it at that, well, and add that it looks way better than the cover to
>Smith And Robards.
>Chris "Still thinks 'The Great Maze' cover looks best" Aniballi

  See?  And I was just talking about the overall look of the piece- I
didn't even get into any of the glaring individual problems...

  Near as I can tell, the artist was aiming for a sense of fantastic
reality; "ok, yeah, there's people who shoot green radiation from their
hands, but they're realistic, see, just like you or me, except for this
weird power...", maybe to contrast with the Deadlands style, which is more
fantastic and supernatural.  But she just ends up looking a little bit put
out and constipated.

  Both this cover and Brainburners have the same problem- they're ok, but
they seriously underutilize the potential of the setting (and the
composition of both is just a terrible, terrible mess).  They should be
great, but they're merely adequate.  Maybe PEG blew the art budget for the
whole series on the rulebook and Wasted West and they're having to pay
artists in trade...

  (BTW, agree about the cover for the Great Maze [it's got excellent
