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Re: [HoE] [HOE] The Junker mistake?

Pat Gamblin wrote:

> >In The HOE source book, it says that you can build a 50 charge battery
> >for 5 oz ghost rock and 5 struct, however, it says it takes 1 pound (16
> >oz!!) to recharge 50 charges, no where else in the book does it say lbs
> >instead of oz, i hope that this is a mistake.  Is it?
> I don't think so. It's just really expensive to run GR-powered items. If it
> was the other way, getting 50 GR/oz of Ghost Rock, you would be getting 800
> GR per lb. That's a *lot*. Granted, the Junker in my game would be
> ecstatic, but I think that's a tad high for just $160 worth of Ghost Rock.
> Marshall Paddy

                Yeah, but that would take 16 hours!!  Just sitting around
recharging batteries is a sure way to get yourself killed in most places...