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Re: [HoE] 6+ edges (was Road Warriors errata)

Xotzil@aol.com wrote:

> Well...THESE don't require errata, but they are worth mentioning...
> Two of the archetypes (Trucker and Road Vigilante) don't have coordination
> values for their stats. Draw ten cards and assign, I guess.
> Two of the headings are goofy in the vehicles section. The Dirt Bike heading
> is used twice. Once for the Dirt Bike and once for the Street Bike. The Box
> Trailer heading is also used twice. Once for the Box Trailer and once for the
> Tanker Trailer.
> Normally this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but both of the headings for
> the stats of the vehicle are on a different page than the descriptions of the
> vehicle, which could make finding them a little confusing as to what you are
> actually looking at.
> Step 4 for "Fixin' Up Your Ride" is included twice.
> This one might need a line or two. There is no mention of going above 5 on
> your Belongin's Edge so that you can afford the customized rides you buy in
> the Vehicles chapter. The main rules sort of hint that 5 is the limit for
> buying Edges. Presumably you can go higher, but it might be nice to have it
> mentioned.
> --Jacques

            If you want to go higher than 5 in things like belongings, you just
purchase a second belongings.  An $8,000 truck, for example, would take belongings
5 and belongings 3, exactly what the difference is between this and belongings 8
is one of Pinnacle's great mysteries...

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