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[HoE] City Encounters

Here are some ideas I was thinking of working into my game when the
characters stop off at a populated city (Sammy don't read any farther there
aren't any pictures bellow):



Most of these are bad, but hay, isn't messing with the posse half the fun.
These also add some of "the world has gone to hell and the people followed"

1) A Junker that clams he has a Black Hat chip that is defused but will let
the person with the chip use Black Hat Technology. He tells them that they
don't have to have it implanted just worn on the body, but it will cost them
an arm and a leg. Of course this is just hog-wash and as soon as the
characters buy the chip the Junker moves on.

2) An Apostate Syker with a wig that has made himself a dictator of a small

3) A Templar saving people of a particular town from a road gang. He has
told the town's people that as long as he pays him he will keep the town
free of gangs. The gang of course is his gang and he's not a Templar.

4) The character find a bomb shelter that's outer wall is showing in the
crater inside the Ghost Storm. They find enough food and supplies for a
family of four for three years but half is unusable or spoiled.

5) A man that pulls the posse aside and tells them that the leader of the
town is a servitor of Plague and is slowly poisoning everyone and that he
knows how to kill the man (make something) but can't get close enough. The
leader of the town is not a servitor and isn't even evil just a firm-handed
man. If the characters kill the leader of the town the town folk come after
the posse and they get a Black Chip. The lyer is no where to be found after
the posse does the deed.

6) A Tale-teller that said he killed an evil (fill in one of the posse
types). He said that the person was Harrowed and under the manito's command.

7) If there's a Templar in the group; a man walks up to the Templar and said
he found a Templar dieing in the desert. He says he tried to help but the
Templar died anyway. He clams that before the Templar died he told the man
to burn his body and take the ashes, tunic and sword back to Boise. The man
tells the character that he doesn't want to go all the way up there and
sense he is a Templar could the character take the stuff for him. Then the
man asks if there's a reward or something. The ashes are of the mans horse,
he found the sword and he made the tunic.

8) An old Television station ruins that have several (probably 5 or 6) TV
shows on dataslugs that are still intact.

9) [Bare with me here this one is just silly and was inspired by the guy
with the Stone mini under his bed] An old hobby shop that has a small area
cleared out. As the posse investigates they find several miniatures set up
with terrain and everything. When the posse gets to close the miniatures
attack. They swarm the posse and start to cover them. Devide the number of
miniatures by the size of the character to find out how many wounds per
round they take. A character can take one miniature off of him/her each
action. If the posse levee the store the miniatures get off of them and go
back to their area.