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Re: [HoE] Newcomer to the list, with a Brainburners question

>Hello All,
>I recently joined the list, and have been very interested in what I have
>seen so far. I have a question that has been bugging me about Brainburners,
>and figured here was the place to get the answer.  I have a greenie in the
>group who started out with TK Storm, and is now looking to pick up the
>controlled form, TK itself.  However, as I go to look at the power, I
>realize it never actually states what the strain cost to start it up is.
>Maybe this has already been batted around here, but I thought I'd bring it
>up and see.

Welcome aboard, waster!

I asked that very question myself when it came out. I pulled Shane's answer 
from Elric's archives (www.deadlands.com). Here ya go:

{{{<< The power Telekinesis (BB page 79) has a Strain listing of "Special," 
 there is no other information that I can find in the rest of the book to tell
 me how to determine it. Presumably it has to do with how much the thing
 moving weighs. I've been really bad at guessing Strain costs for other
 so I don't have a clue as to what the scales are for this one.

I think we're calling it 3. That was my mistake folks. It's supposed to go up
on the Brainburners errata page asap.

