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Re: [HoE] Re: Origins Dinner

In a message dated 5/7/99 12:03:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, GMPrime@aol.com 

<< 	I like Hell on Earth and I hope it wins, but my vote is going to be 
 for Alternity or Star Trek. I thought Alternity had a wonderful system and 
 has a lot of potential for being a great game. Star Trek well it's Star 
 :-) When I picked up HOE I loved the game and all, but it didn't blow me 
 	 It reminds me of Rifts but with the power level toned down. Rifts 
 was already a post apocalypse setting with supernatural, an evil government 
 like the combine,  junkers remind me of techno-wizards, etc. Pinnacle did 
 a good twist on the concept but it was done before. I know by saying this 
 going to be trashed..... >>

	Oh, believe me, as one of its writers/developers, I don't object to 
your inclination to vote for STAR TREK. :)

Steve Long