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[HoE] New Background

"I found the body of Riker up in the hills.  You didn't finish him...not
that I blame you.  He was tough, like a good soldier should be."
                      Robert Carlyle, Ravenous

Here's a background I got the idea for when I was thinking about how
well the above movie would make for a Deadlands game.

Friend of the Wendigo(5)-Maybe someone in your ancestry was on their way
to becoming a wendigo, or maybe its just a little kick in the ass by
Famine but when your hero eats the flesh of another human being she
gains certain benefits.  For a number of minutes equl to a vigor check
(which going bust on will cost you 2d6 wind and your lunch) All of your
corporeal traits are increased 1 step and you regain wind at twice the
rate.  Futhermore whenever an amount of wind is regained equal to your
size you get to make a healing roll.  Just the heart is needed but for
each additional size increment eaten a +1 is added to the vigor roll. 
Mutiple meals are only cumulative in regards for duration.  Your hero
also gains the following hindrances at no extra cost 
Hankerin(1)-The power given by eating flesh is a heady sensation 
Nigt terrors-The characters nights are filled with dreams of him
slaughtering his friends and loved ones to satisfy the need.
If your using the cannibalism rules from the quick and the dead dont
bother rolling to see if the pc becomes a wendigo the merit protects
them from that but do pull an additional three cards to see if they
develop a mutaion