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[HoE] Re: TSAR and jedis

>>I'm a big fan of this one. notice the name
"Noganootch" taken right from the 
NJ trilogy, secondly i know i should know this but
WATS a TSAR? and lastly, 
sykers don't make good jedis because all their spells
usually include killing 
people really, really, bad and the fact that they all
killed people and are 
assassins and all around bastards not the type of
mentality a jedi would have<<
a TSAR rifle uses strain to fire a missle that
sykically locks onto a target.
As for Sykers being jedi, Silent Bob is Loco 5.  He
has powers characteristic of a syker, but he isn't
one.  He uses "the force" instead of blastin', has all
of his hair, and some other stuff.
One cool thing I added to Bob is that he can
occasionally "turn to the dark side."  He goes all
crazy, and gets extra, stronger powers. 

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Happy Roleplaying,
-The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>

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