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Re: [HoE] Revised Edition

The Rusty wrote:

> The problem I saw when playing Deadlands when the D-B Shotgun had these
> stats (and presumably still does) was that someone could Speed Load the D-B
> Shotgun and throw some truly hideous amounts of damage into the air at close
> range.

Of course. You've never heard the "This is my boomstick!" battlecry?

The DB shotgun having a ROF of 2 means that each barrel has its own hammer, but
is still a single-action weapon. You can cock both barrels is what's going on.
Recoil's a real beetch, but hey, its a game.

The game books have been inconsistent with the whole DB shotgun ROF thing. Most
shotguns are single-barrels, though, especially at that time in the west. Easier
to make and maintain, but that's not what players reach for when they want to
outfit their characters.