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Re: [HoE] [HOBLER] Junkman Cometh/Huckster ?

> > Just out of curiosity, why would anyone _want_ to run a Huckster under 
> > new modified Arcane Background found in the Junkman Cometh book?
> >
> > Basically, for the same three points you had to pay before, your minimum
> > hand size goes up one, you get +4 to your Backlash roll, and you lose 
> > benefit of Level 3+ letting you ignore backlash due to Red Jokers.
> > Even with the upcoming revision, they really seem unworkable.  The new
> > system lets you ignore red Jokers at all levels...but the HoE revision
> > negates that, and gives you that +4 Backlash.  Plus making your Hexes
>So change the rules.  In HoE hucksters ignore backlash from
>Red Jokers at level 3 and above; Backlash still hits you
>with +4, but the manitou are more powerful and can hurt you
>more.  You need a higher hand to get a hex going, but once
>it's there it works better.

Changing or ignoring (the latter would be my preference) is always an 
option, but that doesn't explain why (IMO) broken or messed up rules were 
introduced in the first place.

>At the minute I'm working on HoE hexslingers; they get an
>easier time of it since the manitou revel in the death and
>destruction they cause, but they're more limited than
>hucksters, needing a focus (their 'special' gun) and being
>limited to combat related hexing.  More as I get it done...

Does that tie in with the Marshal Law hexes?  Another supplement that we 
haven't bought to date, but am somewhat curious about, since the gun-related 
Hexes seemed to much more useful to Hucksters in the HoE universe in 

> > *shrug* It just seems like the Hucksters got kinda...neutered in 
> > Why would anyone want to play them giving the revisions made?
>Because they like hucksters?  Because it's a way to get a
>Veteran of the Wierd West?  Up until Judgement Day
>hucksters could still prevent their aging - perfect excuse
>for having survived since the 1870's.

If enough people like Hucksters that it was felt necessary to include and 
recodify the Arcane Background: Huckster advantage, it doesn't make much 
sense to then depower Hucksters further with that advantage.  Basically the 
modified Huckster rules make it so that if you like a Huckster, you can't 
play a Huckster, IMO.

Choosing an option to be a Veteran that gives you a much better chance of 
getting killed doesn't make much sense.  I'd note that introducing an option 
that gives a character a greater chance of being killed/possessed/killing 
his cormades/etc. than previously existed would make such a choice _less_ 
desirable, not more desirable.

>Most of the Arcane Backgrounds in DL suffer in comparison
>to HoE - Templar powers are mostly permenently 'on', Syker
>powers are pretty simple to use with hardly any chance of
>Brain Burn, Doomsayers have awesome miracles in both
>offense and defense and don't worry overly about sinnin'
>against their religion.  The DL AB's are a nightmare in
>comparison - Backlash, Dementia, Sinnin', building up
>Appeasment Points and obeying Guardian Spirits, Meditating
>for hours for Chi points...

Agreed.  But then it makes little sense to make Hucksters even _less_ 
powerful, since we both agree that they were comparatively less powerful 
than HoE-power types in the first place...

Just trying to determine the rationale behind _further_ depowering Hucksters 
in Junkman Cometh.  I can change the rules, but that doesn't answer my 
original question.


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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