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RE: [HoE] Junkman Cometh/Huckster ?

> >At best, it seems like there should be some kind of _benefit_ for
> >the three
> >additional handicaps that HoE Hucksters pick up.  The entry states
> >that the
> >manitous are more powerful:  shouldn't that mean the Hex effects
> >become more
> >powerful as well?
>Since the Manitous are more powerful, it *should* be more difficult for the
>Huckster to win the Dance Marathon with the Manitou...

Sure.  But shouldn't the resulting Hex also be more powerful, considering 
the more powerful Manitou from which it was generated?

Actually, I did something something similar in an adventure I ran prior to 
Hoe's release (although it incorporated some early hints as to what HoE 
involved).  In that case, the 1876 Deadland characters were sent into the 
future as test subjects by a Mad Scientist.  The time travel in that case 
operated under limits similar to those found in Dean Koontz's novel 
"Lightning" (i.e., you can only time travel into the future since the past 
is immutable, you can alter the future you see, you are always returned to 
your point of departure after an elapsed "present" time of only 10 seconds 
or so, etc.).

In that case, the Apocalypse had been triggered by the characters' absence 
due to being sent forward into the future, which resulted in the detonation 
of every bit of Ghost Rock in the Black Hills simultaneously, which led to a 
chain reaction which ignited all GR on Earth, etc., etc.  If anything, that 
apocalyptic future was even worse than the HoE one.  ;)

To make a long story short (too late), the group's Huckster suffered 
penalties for the more powerful Manitous of the future, not dissimilar to 
those mentioned in Junkman Cometh...but he also got more powerful Hex 
effects when he _did_ cast his Hex successfully.

The fact that the now-"official" rules on post-Apocalyptic Hucksters applies 
the penalties, but not any benefits, seems inexplicable...

>Patrick "Likes to wrestle scrawny people" Phalen


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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