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Re: [HoE] [HOPPLER] Junker Questions

In a message dated 7/15/99 2:52:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
crow_steve@hotmail.com writes:

<< 'm not sure the story implies that Blue Note does the storytellin', since  
Mad Jack doesn't mention it while telling his story.  But...Blue Note  
doesn't _have_ Tale-Tellin'.  So there aren't any of "his stories" to pass 
off.  But assuming us Marshals fill in that gap and move right along...
 As far as the story-spreading itself, one wonders why Blue Note even needs 
 to be a heavy-duty rad-type, if he's counting on his stories to convince 
 people and he's the one using the added-on Tale-telling.  "Yeah, the Kid 
 wasted 'em with a half dozen MIRVs.  Bodies?  Eh, we dumped them down a 
 canyon - didn't want them polluting up the countryside.."
 Okay, so he's apparently got the powers to convince other storytellers, and  
witnesses, that the Kid has Rad-Powers.  Fair enough.  That raises the 
question our group's Doomsayer has had for a while anyway.
 How stealthy _are_ Doomsayer powers?  I mean, Blue Note is using some heavy 
 duty stuff like Atomic Blast and Nuke(!!).  But he's apparently using these  
in such a way that (at worst) observers can't tell where the power originates.
 Now, the relevant pictures in CotA show folks using powers like these with  
big glowing balls of energy shooting from their hands and stuff.  It sure  
looks like A) these kind of rad powers are pretty obvious in use, and B) 
 it's pretty obvious where they're coming from.
 Needless to say, enterprising PC Doomsayers want to know.  Blue Note doesn't 
 seem to have anything to support such sneakiness, so the mechanic here (if  
any) isn't very clear. 

I agree that the character's stats don't match up exactly with the story in 
the player's section. Blue Note should have tale-tellin' 5 (he's already got 
a decent sneak). As far as the stealthiness of Doomsayer powers, they're not. 
The story implies that Blue Note used his quantum leap power to pop in, nuke 
someone, and pop out. Mad Jack noticed it, and I'm sure others did too. But 
as you suggested, the reality really doesn't matter, Blue Note can spin the 
story anyway he likes, and at least this way there are some real bodies and 
battle damage to back up the story. Sure, there'll be some people saying, " 
Well...that's not really how I remember it" but as with most legends, people 
will believe want they want to believe.

For those of you who want a jumping mechanic, I suggest adding a new 
Nimbleness based skill called...ta-da... jumpin'. (I'd give the Kid a 5 in 
this skill).

The base TN for most jumpin' attempts is a 5. This can be modified by the 
Marshal as he sees fit due to bad footing, differences in height between 
takeoff and landing sites, etc. The distance a hero can jump is based on his 
Strength die. Each raise on the jumping roll adds distance based on the type 
of jump being attempted.

		Per raise
Vertical						Strength die/4  feet	
	1/2 foot
Standing Long Jump		Strength die/2  feet		1 foot
Running Long jump			Strength die	  feet	 	2 feet


John Hopler